Our story is not possible without the prayers and support of so many individuals and churches. We simply just can’t thank people often enough for their journey with us.
This website is just a glimpse into who our family is and how we have been living our lives for the last 20+ years. We would love to invite you to hear our story and prayerfully consider partnering with us. There is a need and we know God is preparing hearts to respond.
2001-2006 DENMARK
As single adults, we both attended a discipleship training program and served in the largest Pentecostal Church in Copenhagen. Here, we discovered the impact of a personal relationship with Jesus and the importance of the local cafe scene to the community.
2006-2008 USA
We are married and start our journey serving in Europe.
2008-2017 BELGIUM
Based in Brussels, Belgium, we travel Europe working with youth, church development, and a humanitarian organization. Three of our boys were born here.
2017-2020 FRANCE
We moved to Marseille, France, where God enabled us to start a cafe in the church lobby. We were able to experience how a business can reach people. During this time, our last son was born.
In 2020, God began to prepare us to move to Israel; in the summer of 2022, we landed in Tel Aviv. These first two years have been full of transition, language, culture, adaptation, and community. We are so in awe of how God has given us a people to love and the ways have been endless.
The“religion” of secularism as a world view does NOT have God at its center. The absolute authority in one’s life is SELF.

The demographic spiritual reality of Israel today: Of Israeli Jews over age 20 in 2020: 43% self-identify as secular, 22% as traditional but not very religious, 23% as religious, and 10% as ultra-Orthodox. What our hearts break for is this 65% of the population that would be labeled as “secular”. Our simple definition of secular would be an individual’s concept of a God who is personally involved in human life has never once crossed their mind.
Other characteristics you would notice in this target audience would be:
Truth is NOT Absolute // Truth is self-defined and determined by context.
Do No Harm // A general acceptance that not harming others is good.
Experimental Transcendence // Immersion in powerful life experiences.
Sexual Freedom // Above all else.
When we moved to Israel two years ago we came with a lot of unknown. But having just experienced how God could use something as simple as coffee to build bridges in the community, we kept our hands and hearts as open as possible for how he would use us.
We quickly learned that Israelis live as part of a village and we embraced every opportunity to engage in our community and quickly found ways to build those relationships. We hosted brunches, taught English in our home and funny enough baseball became another avenue we could share life with people.
When the war hit all of this was amplified. Fear and pain were amplified but on the other side of that, it amplified the opportunity to share our source of hope and the gift of Jesus that they are seen and loved.
So we are excited for what is coming because God is doing a new thing. Right now hospitality and baseball are what God has placed in our hands and we are going to continue to share His love and hope in every way we can.
When we moved to Marseille, France we really had NO idea what God had in store for us. One night we decided to take over the church cafe and the next morning we received an amazing email…

We wanted to make this website to the point. There is truly no way to share how and what God has been doing here alone. If you would like to hear more about how this money is being used and what our practical needs are, send us an email at ntarantino@oasistravelers.com.
Before you send a check, please write “Tarantino’s #294344” in the memo section (this will guarantee that it will go to us).
AGWM 1445 N. Boonville Avenue Springfield, MO 65802